Why pay to have Preventive Maintenance Services performed? Why do you have your oil in your automobile changed every 3, 000 miles? Because if you don't bad things will happen. The same thing with your expensive capital equipment at your facility. The small amount you pay to insure that your systems are operating at peak efficiency is also an insurance policy in that it allows you to catch circumstances that if allowed to go untreated could end up costing you the amount of a new unit. Along the way you could lose a lot of business through interruption in vital equipment necessary in the sales of your product or through discomfort for your customers. Additionally, efficiently operating equipment costs far less to run then out of service, run down equipment. Keep your utility bills in check when you regularly and faithfully have Cadence perform you Preventive Maintenance services. For more details log on to www.facilitymaintenanceusa.com
Contact Us For All Your Maintenance Needs:
Facility Maintenance USA ( A website of Cadence MTC, LLC. )
2535 Reavest S. Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46203
1.800.486.2255 .... Office .... Toll Free
1.317.782.0800 .... Fax .... Toll Free
Corporate E-mail .... info@facilitymaintenanceusa.com
Our office hours are Monday thru Friday - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm - EST